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LSPA membership

The Society members are citizens of the Republic of Lithuania as well as citizens of other republics constantly resident in the Republic of Lithuania, specialists of medicine in pulmonology, allergy and clinical immunology of children and adults, also phtysiatricians, other specialists of medicine, as well as scientists working in the field of pulmonology, allergy and clinical immunology. Members of the Society are to accept the Society regulations, participate in the activity of the Society and pay a fixed tax of the Society membership.

If you would like to be a member of Society of Pulmonology and Allergy, please fill in an application form and send it by:

Kaunas medical university hospital
Lithuanian Society of Pulmonology and Allergy
Eiveniu 2, Kaunas, Lithuania
Or by fax: +37037 326953

Or by e-mail: Kestutis.Malakauskas@lsmuni.lt, pulmonologija@gmail.com.

Enrolment of new members is approved by the administrative board in the meeting of Society members. Applications about the enrolment or secession from the Society are to be discussed and the response is to be given within the period of 30 days.

If you have any questions, please contact with us by e-mail: Kestutis.Malakauskas@lsmuni.lt, pulmonologija@gmail.com.

  • European Respiratory Society
  • MSD
  • BerlinChemie
  • Roche

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