

1. Common regulations
1.1. Lithuanian Society of Pulmonology and Allergy (further – the Society) is a social organization unifying different specialists of medicine dealing with the treatment of adults and children: pulmonologists, allergists, clinical immunologists, phtysiatricians and doctors of other medical specialities as well as scientists working in the field of pulmonary, allergy diseases and immunology.
1.2. The official name of the association is Lithuanian Society of Pulmonology and Allergy (LSPA).
1.3. The Society is a juridical person; it has its seal with the name of the Society indicated, current accounts in the banks of Lithuania, also a standard blank with the name of the Society in Lithuanian and English languages, registration number and account indices indicated. The Society may have its own symbolism.
1.4. The Society is responsible with its property according to the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. The Society is not responsible for the obligations taken by its members individually; members of the Society are irresponsible for the obligations taken by the Society itself.
1.5. The Society’s activity is based on the law of the Lithuanian Constitution, the law of public organizations of the Republic of Lithuania, civil code of the Republic of Lithuania, other laws, acts of laws and regulations of the Society registered by order of legislation.
1.6. The objective of the Society is non-profit activity. The profit gained by the Society cannot be distributed among its members. The funds necessary to ensure the Society’s activity are distributed under the decision of the Board of Society.
1.7. The seat of Lithuanian Society of Pulmonology and Allergy is in Kaunas; address – Clinics of Kaunas University of Medicine, Eivenių 2, Kaunas.

2. Objective and tasks of the activity of Society
2.1. The objective of the Society is to organize, enhance and coordinate the activity of doctors specializing in the field of pulmonology, allergy and clinical immunology.
2.2. Principal activities and tasks:
2.2.1. to organize pulmonary, allergy immunology and phtysiatric treatment for adults and children in Lithuania;
2.2.2. to collect information and conduct the studies about the level of treatment of pulmonary, allergy, immunology and phtysiatric diseases among adults and children; to provide with recommendations or make other contributions into the improvement of the treatment process;
2.2.3. to coordinate the improvement of professional skills of members of the Society; to give references for license delivery;
2.2.4. to organize meetings, conferences, seminars, symposia for the Society members; to continue the training courses on the diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation period of the disorders of respiratory system, allergic diseases and immunology disorders;
2.2.5. to prepare recommendations of the Society for the treatment of adults and children and apply them practically;
2.2.6. to study the demand for doctors of children and adults – pulmonologists, allergists, clinical immunologists, phtysiatricians – and provide them with appropriate references;
2.2.7. to prepare periodicals and single publications dealing with pulmonology, allergy and clinical immunology; if possible, to provide with a financial support the publication of scientific monograms, manuals, methodical textbooks;
2.2.8. to develop international cooperation and relations with other associations, public organizations and institutions;
2.2.9. to recommend the Society members for the internship, scientific conferences, seminars, practical training in Lithuanian and foreign institutions of science;
2.2.10. to nominate candidates meritorious for Lithuanian medicine to nominal, national and other prizes and awards;
2.2.11. to take part in the solution of profession-related problems of the Society members;
2.2.12. in order to guarantee the activity specified in the regulations, to hire people and pay them for their work from the Society funds;
2.2.13. to gain property and accumulate funds in order to ensure the activity of the Society specified in the regulations.
2.3. Activity of the Society is developed within the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.

3. Society members. Rights and responsibilities of Society members
3.1. The Society consists of common members and corresponding members.
3.2. The Society members are citizens of the Republic of Lithuania as well as citizens of other republics constantly resident in the Republic of Lithuania, specialists of medicine in pulmonology, allergy and clinical immunology of children and adults, also phtysiatricians, other specialists of medicine, as well as scientists working in the field of pulmonology, allergy and clinical immunology. Members of the Society are to accept the Society regulations, participate in the activity of the Society and pay a fixed tax of the Society membership.
3.3. Corresponding members of the Society are citizens of the Republic of Lithuania as well as citizens of other republics particularly meritious for the Society. Corresponding members take part in the activity of Society under the right of deliberative vote.
3.4. Rights of the Society members:
3.4.1. to elect and be elected into the Board of administration of the Society;
3.4.2. to participate and take a vote in general meetings of the Society members; to give suggestions on questions under consideration;
3.4.3. to take part in meetings held by the Society;
3.4.4. to make use of services provided by the Society;
3.4.5. to dispose the information collected by the Society;
3.4.6. to leave the Society without specifying reasons of the leave;
3.4.7. to take part in the activity of other associations.
3.5. Responsibilities of the Society members:
3.5.1. to follow the regulations set by the Society;
3.5.2. to obey the decisions made by the Board of the Society, in the case if those decisions are not against the laws of the Republic of Lithuania;
3.5.3. to pay the Society membership taxes regularly and on time;
3.5.4. to present documents justifying financial expenses in the case if funds of the Society were used.

4. Order and conditions of the enrolment, deposition and secession of the Society members
4.1. Members are inducted into the Society on written application confirming their willingness to become members of the Society. Members are deposed from the Society on written application about their deposition. Enrolment of new members is approved by the administrative board in the meeting of Society members. Applications about the enrolment or secession from the Society are to be discussed and the response is to be given within the period of 30 days.
4.2. Members of the Society are granted with names of corresponding members under the decision of the board in a general meeting with the participation of no less than half of all members of the Society. Corresponding members of the Society are exempted from a membership tax.
4.3. The list of members of the Society is under control of the Secretary of the Board.
4.4. Membership in the Society is cancelled when:
4.6.1. a member delivers written application about his/her willingness to suspend the participation in the activity of Society’
4.6.2. a member does not pay the membership tax for a year or more;
4.6.3. a member does not obey the regulations of the Society;
4.6.4. Members of the Society that do not obey the requirements specified in the Society regulations point 3.5 are deposed from the Society in the case if they do not rectify the violations nor inform the Board of administration.

5. Formation of the Society bodies. Competence, functions and responsibility of the control bodies. Cancellation order of elective control bodies and their members
5.1. Control bodies of the Society include general meeting (conference) of members and the administrative board. The supreme body of the Society is general meeting of members (conference).
5.2. Activities and competence of the meeting (conference):
5.2.1. to pass, change or supplement the regulations of the Society;
5.2.2. to set the objectives and principal tasks as well as to determine the territory of the activity of Society;
5.2.3. to elect (depose) members of the Society that elect a chairman of the Society among themselves;
5.2.4. to approve in the open ballot the chairman of the Society elected by the Board as well as official composition of the Board suggested by the chairman. Chairman of the Society Board and members of the Board are elected for the term of four years.
5.2.5. to approve and estimate by voting the report about the activity of the Board;
5.2.6. to fix membership taxes for the Society and tax payment order;
5.2.7. if necessary, to initiate the audit of the activity of Society;
5.2.8. to elect the revision committee and approve the report about its activity;
5.2.9. to analyze the problems related to the dissolution of the Society or reorganization of its activity.
5.3. General meeting (conference) of members is held once a year. The process of general meeting (conference) is determined by the Board. Extraordinary meeting (conference) is held in the case if it is required by more than 1/3 of all Society members.
5.4. General meeting (conference) is a legal procedure. General meeting is held in the case of the participation of no less than a half of all Society members. Decisions are taken by voting in principle of the majority of votes. In the case of improvement of supplement of regulations as well as reorganization or dissolution of the Society, decisions are made in principle of 2/3 of the majority of votes.
5.5. The association of general meetings (conferences) is under the direction of the Board and the Chairman of Society.
5.6. The Board consists of:
5.6.1. Chairman of the Board (Society);
5.6.2. Vice-chairman of the Board;
5.6.3. Executive Secretary of the Board;
5.6.4. Paymaster;
5.6.5. Three members of the administrative Board.
5.7. Activity of the Society Board:
5.7.1. to confirm the regulations of the activity of Society;
5.7.2. to summon and conduct the general meeting (conference) of the Society members;
5.7.3. to summon and conduct common meetings of the Society members;
5.7.4. to confirm annual work plan of the activity of Society;
5.7.5. to give references and other documents for members of the Society confirming their activity in the Society
5.7.6. to nominate candidates for the enrolment into the Society and those for the deposition from the Society in a general meeting;
5.7.7. to form temporary work groups and steering committees of the Society;
5.7.8. to present once a year a report for the revision committee of the Society about the executive financial activity as well as to provide the revision committee with all necessary documents on financial accounting.
5.8. Meeting of the Board is considered legitimate if no less than a half of all Board members take part in it.
5.9. Decisions taken by the Board are confirmed by voting of no less than a half of all members of the Board.
5.10. In the case of equal distribution of votes in the meeting of the Board, the casting vote is up to the Chairman of the Board.
5.11. Meetings of the Board are called by the Chairman of the Board or no less than half of Board members twice a year.
5.12. A member of the Board absent from the meeting may commit in writing another member of the Board as a representative (with or without the right to vote).
5.13. Functions of the Chairman of the Board:
5.13.1. to manage the Society and the Board of the Society; to represent the Society;
5.13.2. to call meetings of the Society and meetings of the Board; to conduct the meetings;
5.13.3. to countersign annual work plan of the activity of Society, also financial and other documents related to the activity of the Society;
5.13.4. to nominate candidates for vice-chairman of the Board, executive secretary and paymaster that are to be confirmed by the general meeting of the Society members;
5.13.5. to give a report to the general meeting of the Society members;
5.13.6. Due to the temporal inability of the Chairman of Society Board to pursue his/her functions, the authority is transferred to the vice-chairman of the Board.
5.14. Secretary of the Board:
5.14.1. controls and keeps documents of the Society (official reports of meetings, received and sent mail, lists of members of the Society, applications of members of the Society, etc.) according to the filing rules;
5.14.2. informs members of the Society about forthcoming events.
5.15. Paymaster of the Society:
5.15.1. collects the Society membership taxes, manages accounts of the Society in banks;
5.15.2. gives a report to the revision committee about executive financial activity;
5.15.3. is directly responsible for the documentation of the Society.
5.16. To analyze and solve different questions related to the activity of the Society, the Board may form permanent or temporary work groups (committees). The activity of work groups (committees) is under direction of the chiefs of groups (committees).

6. Subdivisions of the Society
6.1. To ensure its activity, the Society may establish structural subdivisions having no rights of juridical person. The number of members in a subdivision should not be less than four. The number of structural subdivisions themselves is not limited.
6.2. Structural subdivisions are established by the decision of the Board; they function on the basis of the Society regulations and rules of subdivisions approved by the Board.
6.3. The Chief of structural subdivision is appointed by the Society Board.
6.4. The Society Board is capable of the cancellation of the activity of structural subdivision in the case if its activity contradicts the regulations of the Society or the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
6.5. After the activity of structural subdivision is cancelled, the property and funds of the subdivision are transferred to the Society.

7. Property and source of revenue of the Society
7.1. Sources of revenue of the Society include:
7.1.1. taxes of members, objective payments, support and property of juridical and natural persons transferred to the Society for temporary or permanent use in order to ensure its activity;
7.1.2. inherited property and funds of the Society;
7.1.3. interest for deposits of the Society in banks;
7.1.4. credit funds;
7.1.5. other funds and property gained (obtained) in the order of laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
7.2. The Society performs financial operations in the order determined by the law.

8. Control of financial activity of the Society
8.1. Control of the use of funds and income:
8.1.1. financial accounting of funds of the Society is performed by the paymaster which is under the control of the revision committee;
8.1.2. annual reports about financial activity are analyzed by the Board;
8.1.3. financial activity of executive projects of the Society is conducted and reports are made by chairmen of projects. The chairmen of projects are to give reports to the Board, financing organizations, juridical and natural persons, charity funds and organizations.
8.1.4. financial activity of the Society and its subdivisions is under the control of the revision committee. Revision committee is elected for the period of 3 years at the general meeting of the Society. Revision committee consists of a chairman and two members.
8.1.5. once a year, revision committee gives a report to the Board and general meeting (conference) about the financial activity;
8.1.6. members of the Board cannot be elected as members of the revision committee.
8.2. Functions of the revision committee:
8.2.1. to control financial activity of the Society, documents of financial accounting; to perform other examinations of financial activity of the Society under the authorization of the Board;
8.2.2. to inform immediately the Board about possible violations of the order of financial accounting.
8.3. For possible damage made for juridical and natural persons, the Society is responsible with its available funds and property according to the order determined in the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

9. Order of improvement and supplement of regulations
9.1. Supplement (replenishment) of the Society regulations are confirmed at the general meeting (conference) in the case if the changes are approved by 2/3 of members participating in the meeting (conference).

10. Terms of activity of the Society and its dissolution order
10.1. Activity of the Society is termless.
10.2. The basic points of the dissolution of the Society:
10.2.1. decision made by the general meeting (conference) of the Society members;
10.2.2. judgment of the court about the dissolution of the Society in the order determined by the law.
10.3. The institution appointed to liquidate the Society selects a liquidator, sets the authorization and terms of liquidation, and determines the order of inventory and transfer processes of property of the Society. After the liquidator is appointed, control bodies of the Society are deprived of the power; their functions are transferred to the liquidator.
10.4. Liquidation of the Society is to be announced in press in the order determined by the law.
10.5. After the liquidation of the Society and fulfillment of all financial authorizations of the Society, its funds and property are transferred and used in the order determined by the law.

The regulations of Lithuanian Society of Pulmonology and Allergy were confirmed at the constituent assembly of the Society on the 20 November 2002.

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